2019 and 2018 Rheinhessen Grosses Gewächs Spätburgunder (Brunnenhäuschen, Frauenberg, Heerkretz, Horn, Kirchenstück, Kreuz, Morstein, Pares from Battenfeld-Spanier, Gutzler, Keller, Kühling-Gillot, Neus, Wagner-Stempel)

 As we move south, the overall level begins to pick up.


2019 (Hohenn-Sülzen) Kirchenstück Spätburgunder GG 

Spicy red fruit nose. Medium-light in mouth, red fruits, elegance, feel the limestone in the texture. Superb — this estate has come a long way from the earlier extracted, oaky wines. 92/A


2018 (Westhofen) Brunnenhäuschen Spätburgunder GG 

Depth, dark fruits, fairly dense, medium-weight. Potential here with 8-12 years’ aging. 88(+)B

2018 (Westhofen) Morstein Spätburgunder GG 

Dark fruits, firm texture, feel the limestone, but for the moment doesn’t all come together. 86(+?)/C


2019 (Nieder-Flörsheim) Frauenberg Spätburgunder GG 

Some spice in nose, some reduction. Spicy red and black currants, some strawberry, some tannin. Burgundian style with out the pinpoint precision and depth of the better Burgundies. 90/B+

2019 (Westhofen) Morstein Spätburgunder GG 

Some reduction in nose. Sensual texture, dark fruits, but perhaps not the precision or energy I would expect. 88/B


2019 (Oppenheim) Kreuz Spätburgunder GG 

Floral, red-fruited nose. Medium-light body, not great depth, somewhat earthy fruit. 86/C


2019 (Ingelheim) Horn Spätburgunder GG 

Reduction in nose, although less than for Pares. Calmer, less kinetic than the Pares, but still good energy. Depth and length here. Very good potential. 90(+)/B+

2019 (Ingelheim) Pares Spätburgunder GG 

Reduction in nose. Light, racy, intense in mouth, dark fruits. Lots of energy here. 90(+)/B+


2019 (Siefersheim) Heerkretz Spätburgunder GG 

Reduction in nose. Somewhat creamy texture, some tannins (including a little grit), spicy dark fruits, some alcohol. One feels greatness that just slipped away for this wine. 87/B-